
Documentation and instructions for different plugins.
microSlider [DOCS]
This is a fast and simple WordPress image slider plugin that you can use to add image sliders to your website. It uses minimal HTML/JS code and a simple markup that can easily be adapted to your website with CSS. Just create a new slider, place the shortcode wherever you want and it's ready to go! Based on a JS slider library flickity.

Posts: 26
Topics: 14

Last post: Today at 08:10 AM by ArthurLAB

SMS Read More [DOCS]
SMS Register uses Fortumo SMS gateway for processing messages and collecting revenues. The only thing you need is a free Fortumo account, and (also free) Fortumo Premium SMS service created.

Posts: 5
Topics: 5

Last post: Jun 15, 2022, 09:49 PM Creating Fortumo account by Nikola

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SMS Read More
Post here if you have any questions or issues regarding SMS Read More plugin.

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